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Delber Lage



(United Kingdom)

Delber is the CEO of Salaryfits, a global startup project, based on one of the most successful cases in this field which comes from a Brazilian company called Zetrasoft. It is a mature software and business intelligence company that decided to promote a concept that disrupted the credit market. He has advised many companies with the Fintech sector in Brazil, specifically scaling IT companies, with focus on Fintech and is now leading the expansion of the Zetra system in the UK.
Furthermore, Delber has significant expertise within the IT sector and innovation. As an attorney and advisor, he has been deeply involved within Brazilian startup community and has dealt with various M&A processes of high growth companies over there. He has been ahead of efforts of internationalization of companies both coming to Brazil as well as Brazilian companies targeting foreign markets. He also holds a PhD on International Law - Universität Bonn (Germany) and PUC Minas (Brazil).
Hence, he will uses his background on the industry and his current experience as the leader of an emerging Fintech to present new concepts of IoT to credit management in a personal level as well as new technologies that help to reduce credit risks and enables employees to get interest rates lower than other modalities.