Markus Braun

Markus Braun is the CEO of Wirecard, a leading international technology and financial services company pioneering digital payments. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Aschheim near Munich, Germany, Wirecard provides merchants with complete digital ecosystems that include innovative processes in the area of issuing and acquiring as well as digital value-added services such as data analytics. Today, Wirecard enables hundreds of thousands large-sized, medium and small corporate customers to use state-of-the-art solutions for their sales channels. Wirecard operates regulated financial institutions in several key markets, holds issuing and acquiring licenses from all major payment and card networks. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060). Before Markus Braun joined Wirecard, he was eStrategy Consultant with KPMG. Born and grown up in Vienna, Markus achieved a degree in Commercial Computer Science and a PhD in Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Vienna. In his more than 15 Years’ experience in the payment industry, Markus built up tremendous success for the Wirecard Group of companies.