Damien Guermonprez
Lemon Way

During his career, Damien Guermonprez created and led 15 credit institutions, leasing companies and insurance companies on behalf of large groups. He led during ten years Oney Banque Accord, the Auchan Group banking division.
Now he invests on his own and invested in the former BNP Paribas Personal Finance Belgium and 22 startups which half are FinTechs (Lemon Way, EdenPay, Evollis, Babyloan, Pumpkin, Tudigo-Bulb In Town, Wedoogift, Tiller Systems, Hoolders, TacoTax, Masuccession.fr, Seald)
He leads one of them, Lemon Way, the payment institution that opened 4 million payment accounts in four years on 28 countries. He graduated from Harvard Business School and Essec.