Céline Lazorthes

Céline, age 34, can proudly say that she's already experienced all the start-up lifecycle stages, from the creation of her own company in 2009 to its acquisition in September 2015. Entrepreneur at heart, she has quickly excelled at running her own business, which today represents a team of more than 80 employees based in Paris, London, Luxembourg, Cork and Berlin. Having founded Leetchi.com and then MANGOPAY, Céline has acquired expertise in the FinTech sector. Innovative and charismatic, she often gives empowerment speeches at many international schools and conferences. Moreover, she is an active business angel, coach to many start-ups and a strong supporter of female entrepreneurship. Celine always gives 100% in everything she undertakes, leaving nothing to chance. For her, with a bit of hard work, anything is possible!