Ludovic Le Moan

Ludovic Le Moan co-founded Sigfox, the world’s leading provider of dedicated connectivity for Internet of Things, in 2010. In order to support Sigfox’s global expansion, Ludovic Le Moan has raised a total €277 million round of financing from strategic and financial investors in Europe, the U.S. and Asia.
He has been involved in the machine-to-machine space since 2000, when he co-founded Anyware Technologies, which enabled the connection, management and monitoring of remote equipment through a Web interface.
After selling Anyware Technologies to Wavecom in 2008, Ludovic Le Moan co-founded Goojet, a B2C services company that offered a simple, personal experience of the mobile web and allowed users to share and exchange messages and content. He served as COO of the company, now repositioned as scoop.it, from February 2008 to March 2011.
Earlier in his career, he held a variety of scientific and business positions. He spent four years with COFRAMI Group, a 1,500-employee computer engineering and software solutions company serving the aerospace, telecommunications, IT, defense and other industries. He was general director when he left to found Anyware Technologies.
Le Moan is a serial entrepreneur who also founded “IoT Valley”, a Toulouse, France, association that offers mentoring, networking and other support for startups in the Internet of Things.
He received an engineering degree from ENSIMAG (Grenoble Institute of Technology), a leading French school in computer science, applied mathematics and telecommunications. He was appointed Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur in 2016.