Michal Smida
(Czech Republic)

Together with the team, Michal is building the next generation of financial services for the CEE region. Michal started his carrer in investment banking at Baclays Capital after completing his studies at King's College London. After 11 years abroad (USA, Russia, England), he returned to the Czech republic in 2013 to start Twisto. Supported by leading investors - ING Bank, ENERN, UNIQA, Partners and Cezary Smorszczewski, Twisto provided financing to over 200,000 customers. Twisto is preparing to expand into Poland in 2018 supported by ING Bank Slaski. Twisto was recognized as the top FinTech of 2017 by E15, Forbes top 10 most successful Czech startups, top payments startup by European FinTech Awards 2017, Wolves Summit - the best European startup of the year 2016.