Edouard Plus
Managing Director
Le Swave

Edouard Plus is the Director of Le Swave, the 1st French innovation platform to be a 100% dedicated to fintech.
Graduate from Science Po Lille, ESSEC MBA and Mines-ParisTech, he started is career as a financial analyst and worked for BNP Parisbas and Crédit Agricole S.A. before stepping into entrepreneurship.
In 2014, he co-founded Beyond Ratings, the first RegTech to deal with climate finance.
He then became Deputy Head of Research at Novethic, subsidiary company of La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations specialized in sustainable finance. As such, he took part to Finance for Tomorrow’s and the CGDD’s work groups. In 2017, he was hired by Paris&Co to design and manage the innovation program dedicated to fintechs.