Jacques Richier
Allianz France

Jacques Richier began his career in the oil industry (Coflexip). He then came to the insurance
business in 1985, joining AZUR, a Mutual Insurance Company. There, he was IT and
Organization Manager before being appointed CEO and both Chairman and CEO as of 1998.
In 2000, he joined Swiss Life France as CEO, becoming Chairman and CEO in 2003. In 2008,
Jacques Richier was offered the position of CEO of AGF and, in 2010, he became Chairman
and CEO of Allianz France. In 2014, he is also Chairman of Allianz Worldwide Partners, a
company dedicated to B2B2C, becoming in 2015, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Jacques Richier holds a postgraduate degree in Physics of Materials from INSA (French
National Institute of Applied Science). After being offered a visiting scholar position by the
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Biophysics, California (USA), he took an MBA
course in HEC (Paris) in 1984.